Birdie, Family PA

Giving You the Gift of Time

  • Discreet and Professional
  • Friendly and Experienced
  • A Wide Range of Services
Birdie Family PA Logo

FAQ’s, Terms and Conditions

We have outlined some of the legal and formal aspects of working together that we may encounter. This list is not exhaustive and I will happily discuss any questions openly and honestly.

Frequently asked questions

Are you insured?

We are yes. We are happy to provide details as necessary.

Can you provide references?

Absolutely. We are happy to provide references. These can include people we have worked for as well as personal character references. Birdie is also DBS checked for your peace of mind.

Do I have to be present when you do the work?

Not at all. We are happy for you to be there but also it is no problem if you want to leave us to it! We will give permission for recording on home devices i.e Ring or family cctv and we are happy for you to check in on what we are doing.

Can I get a quote before committing?

Of course. We like to work this way so everybody knows what is happening, set expectations and are aware how much it will cost. Because our work is so bespoke it is often difficult to set a general fee and checking your individual needs beforehand is important.

Terms and Conditions

A full list of terms and conditions will be provided on booking. However below is a brief summary of the most important points.

Please note the booking fee (50% of your overall fee) is non refundable and is payable in advance to secure your date and time. Your balance should be received within 48 hours of completion of any work.


We take your personal information seriously and protect it in a secure and safe way. We are members of the ICO- Information Commissioners Office.
Please read the privacy policy for further information.

Equality Policy

We believe that everyone has the right to be treated equally and therefore have set out our promises to ensure we are providing a service that promotes these beliefs.

We are committed to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture within the industry.

It is within everyone’s best interests to promote equality and diversity as we work to continually eliminate discrimination.

We aim to ensure that individuals, families and industry colleagues are given equal opportunity, and that our services and business are representative of all sections of society.

Each person we deal with will be respected and valued. We expect that same level of respect in return.

This statement reinforces our commitment to providing equality and fairness to all we have the pleasure of dealing with. Together with our assurances that we will not provide less favourable facilities, services or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, sex, gender (identity and expression). Marriage, civil partnership, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief or sexual orientation as outlined in the Equality Act 2010.

Harassment Policy

We believe everybody has the right to work in a safe and secure environment. We will always conduct ourselves in a professional manner and ask that you, your family or your suppliers do the same. We will not tolerate harassment or inappropriate behaviour in any form. In the first instance we would ask that the behaviour desist immediately. If this does not happen we reserve the right to leave the premises. It would always be a last resort however we are entitled to work in an environment that is safe and comfortable. We will not provide a refund for those reduced hours. We will always endeavour to take any complaint seriously and respond accordingly.

Inappropriate behaviour includes offensive behaviour and inappropriate sexual harassment but is not limited to this behaviour. We will not accept rude or offensive behaviour.

When booking your event we will ask you sign to this effect and return a signed copy to us.


This website and its contents remain the intellectual property of Birdie, Family Personal Assistant.