The Back to school Birdie Blitz!
Updated July 12th, 2023
The time is nearly upon us… school holidays!
With all the joy it brings I also realise that this time of year can also be difficult for thise with school age children.
I remember being a single working Mum with four weeks of annual leave every year and far more holidays- six of them being in the Summer.
My parents and aunt would help with childcare but it was so draining just trying to work out where my daughter would need to be and alongside that everyone in my workplace with children was trying to get the same weeks off.
Then when you are off its trying to balance the day trips out with having time in the house plus the money aspect. Arrrgggghhhhh I have flashbacks even all these years later!
So my point is I get it! I really do. Once they go back you then have the inevitable mounds of washing, the house looks like a group of baby seals just had a food fight in your lounge and you cannot find ANYTHING!!!
So, with that in mind I have designed the Birdie Blitz! A one off visit from moi! I will come in and tidy, clean and sort your home! Neatness and most importantly calm will be restored to your home and you can have a well earned rest.
I can be so discreet I will be in and out in no time and you can tell your partner you did it all yourself and earn some brownie points!
If you want to book in now for September either call or email or fill in the contact page and I will be in touch.
Together we can give you the light at the end of the tunnel before the holidays have even begun…its all going to be OK!
Much Love, Birdie x